Miracle Africa International Foundation, World Voices for Peace 2017 


May 22 2017: World Voices for Peace, The Falcon Cup and Trois Villes, the three event platforms respectively specialized in art, culture and tradition, tourist and sports offers and the promotion of a culture of peace, dialogue and understanding among different cultures, are pooling forces to build an ideal bridge between apparently different but similarly ambitious values.


World Voices for Peace is the result of a joint initiative taken by two international foundations that share the same purpose: promoting a culture of peace and inclusion by supporting government programs aimed at improving the living conditions of the local populations.

To this end, Nadia Murabet, the founder and President of Miracle Africa International Foundation and Odino Faccia, the founder and President of Fundación Red Voz por la Paz, who are both Peace Ambassadors, have created a world-wide event platform connecting 5 continents in order to raise funds for sustainable projects that bring concrete added value at local level. One of the projects in the World Voice of Peace is “Schools for Peace”, involving the Integral Ecology, and the campaigns “Por Ti Por Mi” on the values of coexistence. The event program started in Queretaro, Mexico, in February 2016, and continued in Buenos Aires with the participation of two Peace Nobel laureates, Rigoberta Menchu and Adolfo Pérez Esquivel together with three international artists, Tini Stoessel, Los Nocheros and Odino Faccia.
Trois Villes, an event container operating in Venice, Montecarlo and Cortina d’Ampezzo, three locations that are globally known for their uniqueness, marks out a path through history, traditions, promotion of the local heritage, arts and crafts, fashion, wine and food, with the objective of creating a network of people who share the same values and embody success stories. Anna Licia Balzan, the Honorary Consul of the Principality of Monaco and of Venice, and Serge Telle, the Prime Minister of the Principality of Monaco are some of the promoters of the project.


The Falcon Cup, Classic Car Regularity Race & Pro Am Golf Tournament is a first-class tourist, cultural and sports proposal that will be available from 2018 in Ras Al Khaimah, in the United Arab Emirates, and in 12 Italian cities, as well as in Germany, Switzerland and the Principality of Monaco.


The first stage of the journey organized by Trois Villes has just been completed in Ca’ Sagredo, Venice, in the presence of 180 guests, who were presented with a unique work offered by the internationally famous and solidarity prone artist Renato Missaglia, who was appointed Peace Ambassador by World Voices for Peace on account of his humanitarian commitment. After this very successful milestone, the project will be continued in Montecarlo in autumn and in Cortina in winter, to be further extended to Rome, New York, Dubai, Seoul and Johannesburg, following a program set by World Voices for Peace.


“The promotion of the territory and its economic, artistic and cultural highlights entails a process of active participation through events organized in the main international cities that are aimed at building a culture based on respect and inclusion at world level.” – declared Nadia Murabet, the co-founder of World Voices for Peace and President of Miracle Africa International Foundation.

The synergy among World Voices for Peace, Trois Villes and The Falcon Cup develops also at an organizational level with the proposal of a format including a conference for Peace, institutional projects and programs, a fund raising gala evening involving also sportsmen and a concert with the participation of world known artists, such as the Ambassadors of the World Voices For Peace network Tini Stoessel, Odino Faccia, Thalia and Yolanda Andrade, who have always been committed to solidarity.

Excellence Magazine, which is the result of the integration of the three event platforms, will act as media partner for the whole project, by the will of its President, Luigi Lauro.


For further information please contact:

Miracle Africa International Foundation – World Voices for Peace   +39 347 439 0042  +41  79 53 44 702